
Gladiators and Amputees dont really mix.

Im a little ashamed to admit this, and I am probably the only one still on the band wagon here...but I watched the season 2 premier of American Gladiator. Whooorah!

So...there are new Gladiators (the winners from last years and a hottie called Phoenix). There are new events (ripped directly from Nickelodeon kids game shows of the early 90s). But the most ridiculous thing was the contender. They had an amputee competeing. And not just any amputee, but one that was missing a leg. Which is like...a totally needed limb.

He like use to be in the army or something and he was a champion in the special Olympics. And I know what your thinking...your thinking, "Good For him...it doesnt really matter if he wins or loses." And your a good person for thinking that. I totally agree. Good for him. But you didn't see it.

He was doing fine in the events (wall climbing being one of them ::side eye::). He probably did better than anything I couldve done on my best day. So...kudos. But OMG. The producers were not thinking when it came to him doing the eliminator. In essence the eliminator consists of swimming, climbing a net, walking across a plank then a revolving cylinder, walking up and down a see saw and then...and then an uphill tread mill. This man...was missing a leg. And it was painful to watch. There was nothing enduring about it. He couldnt swim. His fake spring foot got caught in the net, he fell off all the balancing things and then...they had to turn the moving hill off....because you know what....he was missing a leg.

Jesus....it all made me cringe. it was like watching an car accident about to happen and then witnessing the horrible after math. As the car with the baby on board sticker is starting its 15th tumble...you start to realize, some one made an awful mistake.

See a little bit of it here. It was just a little bit sadistic.
P.S. Check out the behind the scenes maddness that goes on during the show. Memorable quote regarding the amputee who had just lost: ""he put his best foot forward, but it just wasn't enough."

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