
the bible version 2: return of the jedi.

a group of swedish creative types have come together to remake the bible.

thier goal:

"To introduce today’s audience to a revolutionary Bible, one that encourages dialogue and is culturally relevant, readily accessible and easily digestible for any reader regardless of religious, economic, racial or social background."

AKA, turn that boring piece of sh*t into a magazine with tons of pictures and quotes. All jokes aside, this is kinda interesting.  Sure, its just falling in line with all the other remakes of this decade. If the Tranformers and  Thundercats can have a preemptive make-over, why cant the figurativly literal words of God also have a little work done?

I think I will get this for my new apartment.

1 comment:

Joker said...

I can imagine the dialogue:

"Yo Jezzle, can you get my some wine for a good time. Dude check this brother out, he can duplicate the sushi like there ain't no tomorrow."