
opening ceremony.

so i hope we all learned our lesson. Never trust a Pros Thought's exclusive. I definitely watched the entirety of the 2008 olympic ceremony and there was no pee pee split touching. But luckily, there were other beautiful spectacles of precision, technology and culture to take note of. I was impressed. So impressed that I scoured the Internet looking for photo recaps of the night. Im no blogging expert, so I cant tell you to view the photos "after the jump"...instead they are compiled below this paragraph to make the world's longest blog entry that will cause at least a few scrolling finger cramps. Remember to stretch.

"this is for the kids"

this guy totally crouching tiger hidden dragon-ed to light the torch. 

the whole 10 million fireworks in one place thing seemed really dangerous to me....then I realized, that its China. Fireworks are the least of thier REAL problems.
(ok....so i just found this one...but its a real picture. Which means it did happen at some point. And its genius.)

Unfortunately, I didnt get the photos I really desired.  I really wanted a picture of all the world leaders just sitting there in stadium seating right next to each other....you know sharing peanuts, popping open brewskies and applying those fake cracker jack box tattoos on one each other. 


1 comment:

socialedisturbed. said...

ohhhh SHIT @ that bike!
i missed the opening, and effin youtube removed all the damn videos of it.. effin great!