
just a few (10) things.

1. Its true hiring woman can be a bitch. But this article tell you how to not hire a bitch. With genius insight like "3. General experience indicates that "husky" girls - those who are just a little on the heavy side - are more even tempered and efficient than their underweight sisters." you know this is the sole reason women....alll of then even have jobs today. You women, better thank the lords for the year 1943, that's all I'm saying. Puts it all on the table.

2. And you thought stripper names were bad. This is part of the reason why we arent taken seriously globally. The other part is our far from irregular accents. Thank god.

3. Curry Bomb? My question is....does it work on the the Indian nations. Like...the Indians with dots, not the ones with feathers. Someone may need to call the NAACP, wait...I am a Colored Person. Never mind. I never like curry.

4. How much would you pay for a corn flake that kinda looks like a state? Well, considering that I think all cornflakes kinda look like states...not to mention puppies and long johns and dragons too. They all taste the same when you cover them with sugar. But, apparently state-like cornflakes go for $1,350 on ebay these days. This is why ebay scares me. Where are the rules.

5. Plus sized Miss England. Excuse me for being an ass. But it is a beauty pageant...and well, this girl is far from beautiful. And she's...well, she is fat. There I said it. Blame it on the media. Mean are ass holes. Ms America vs Ms England......that's one for states.

6. Lizard robot. Need I say more. Set those b*tches out on Al Quida.

7. New Kids on the Block Reunion Performance. You heard right. It will on the today show....this Friday. I will be youtubing-it-up that after noon. Don't you worry. The 90s are about to come alive....yet again. Glorious.

8. In case you didn't hear, the Brangelina wedding was false. Just when you thought people would just start getting married again....nope, lets just keep pooping out bastard babies. Cause you know...we are famous.

9. Wait, so we don't like president bush?

10. Just a reminder......LONG LIVE proper grammer.

I may not be able to spell, but damnit...I can string together some words correctly. And the rest of you need to learn the same. Shut your mouth Kelly...I know you have some snark remark. ::waves frantically:::

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