
google government spying, right click.

This has been a fear of mine for a long time. Google Maps, is just code for Big Brother. Above you can see the "street view" option that is available when you type an address into Google Maps. When I first saw this, I have to admit...I was amazed and dumbfounded to the state of tears. But then, as I thought about it...I started getting scared. Because, in essence.....a stranger...could simply Google me and become a professional stalker in the matter of minutes. They can Google for my picture. They can Google for my address, and now they have an online layout of my house.

But the world is indeed changing. And we have to look at the bright side of things. How else would be able to catch someone in the middle of a drug deal? Google Maps, is here to save the day. BTW, this happened in Chicago. I am bound to be caught picking a wedgy whilst waiting for a bus in the morining. I'm counting the days.

:::clears throat:::"patriots act":::clears throat:::

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