
apathy vs empathy. and teeth.

The only thing better than a intensly concerned apathetic dentist is....well, in my opinion a blind dog digging vigorously at a cement side walk.

With a fake smile, a half-assed hand shake and an office set up unsettlingly similar to car repair shop (but much fancier), I met Dr. Gracias (I know, but Im really not clever enough to make that up).....the slightly caring dentist this morning. There was a sense of charm before she looked in my mouth, then there was silence, then there was a sympathetic explanation, then she hit me with a compliment (apparently I am handsome and have a nice smile), and then she brought about my demise and then made me verbally promise to come back.

Two....count them...two teeth need to be removed from "the last set [of teeth] God gave me". And boy....I cant wait.

The last time I was met with such a unique balance of sympathetic nonchalance I was talking to a Professor at BU. He too began with the fact that I am a good looking gentleman (which made me a bit uncomfortable until I met his wife) and then he proceeded with what my future career entailed. The result....3 years later....thousands of dollars down the drain, and I am still not doing what I want to do. So....yeah, I cant wait to see where this oral surgery stuff leaves me. Probably, with my luck, sipping virgin pina coladas, out of a straw, bed ridden with TB and listening to elevator music for fun.

Life is suppose to be good and smooth sailing at some point, right?

Pros: I experienced my first messaging (vibrating) dentist chair.
Cons: I didn't like it.

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