
political ads.

And you knew I would post this- McCain's new anti-Obama campaign that hacks at Obama's popularity. In this particular spot John ( i feel i know him personally now), compares Obama adoration to that of Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.

Hey...if you cant be popular yourself, make fun of the other person's popularity. There is a word for kids like that in high school. F*cking losers. This strategy reeks of desperation. How come no one is telling him that this is a bad idea? And does anyone know the agency that made this spot? I would never work there (unless is was DDB NY, lol).


Writing Horses said...

I say let him make a complete ass of himself with ads like this. Making him look really transparent, to me. It's really interesting to see this old dude act like such a little kid . . . and is running to lead our country. I can't believe this is for a 2008 election. There is such a level of bigotry that I thought we had moved passed, by now. Sigh. I'll just shut up and wait for Nov. when I can actually do something about this nonsense.

pleaseandthankyou said...

here's another personal favorite of mine
