
rappers delight.

im sure that everyone has atleast heard about the controversial song by rapper Ludacrs that hails Obama as the next president but simultaneously slanders the names of Hillary Clinton, Bush and McCain. Its some pretty heavy stuff. While some may ask "what the f*ck was Ludacris thinking," others literally blame Obama for the song. 

::Cough:: FOX ::Cough::

So, Sean Hannity & Co... basically...you are saying that Obama emailed Ludacris the lyrics to that song? Or are you saying that the next political leader should not endorse a rapper or in anyway shape or form have dealings with the hip-hop culture? No, no, I get it now...I think your trying to say that Obama should be a psychic and/or be able to time travel into the future to so he can pick and choose his associates before hand by their future actions.

Come on now. This is just shameful.

VIA: Nah Right

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