
hello good looking.

Before I actually got a job in advertising I  always half jokingly said that I shouldve been a doctor. Not that it would be any less work- ok may a little less work making ads and not having to save peoples lives -(and lets not forget the doctor debt I dodged). But let's face it. Doctors and Lawyers have a path. You go to school. Then you take an test to go to another school. Then you take another test to have a confirmed career. The key words being CONFIRMED CAREER.

But after I got a taste of the medical manikins they use to teach doctors now a days...I will never wish to be a doctor again. Everyone knows that all patients worth saving are attractive. These "teaching devices" make me nauseous. The interchangeable parts....the double penis attachment...the man boobs...its too much. 

Note: These manikins are not to be confused with the mannequins used in store displays and for test dummies. 

This is clear.

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