
how low can you go.

watch your asses. no seriously. The people of Flint, Michigan need to watch their asses and make sure no one else can. Police Chief Wiggim....I mean  David Dicks has made an announcement that his police officers will start arresting people who expose their underwear in public. 

"Some people call it a fad," said "But I believe it's a national nuisance. It is indecent and thus it is indecent exposure." 

There is of course some racial backlash to this. Cause its basically an African American fad to see how low one can wear their pants and still keep their pimp stroll strong. And some peopleare very successful with this venture. 

Before Obama and the double mint twins (ball cutting Jackson and Al Sharpton) chime in with thier opinions/rhetoric/propaganda, I would like to say that this is a good thing. There is an issue of civil liberties at hand, but for the most part I personally dont want to know what color man panties my train conductor wears. Maybe there is a middle ground. But one thing is for certain....an addition needs to be made to this law concerning females and their inclination to wear "low rise" clothing with their thong handles showing. I would like to bypass the issue of race and let known the certain actions of sexism that is occurring here in the US. This...is a real issue. This...is my platform. "I have a dream....."

Shaun in 08' (or 12....my advisors just told me that I probably need to get my own apartment b4 I try to run the country and right the wrongs of low rise ).

But seriously, just pull your pants up people- that's what grown ups do.


Anonymous said...

I want to know if there is a female equivalant of this? I see way too many ass cracks on a daily basis ... and most of them are from women. Most of whom should NOT be showing their ass cracks.

shaun. said...

exactly! you should vote for me in 2012. or 16.

Samantha Smikle said...

this shouldn't be an issue of race. we may have brought bagging pants to the mainstream, but we're nto the only demo that abuses the fashion. it really needs to stop...wow there's finally actual fashion police!