
life-1, shaun-1

Recently, I have been trying to keep personal stories off of this here blog, but I must share...I just got an apartment in Harlem City, New York. HOLLER!
This is epic, because as you may or may not know...I was a grown up in Chicago, and was forced to downgrade myself for my job. Well...it appears as if I am moving back on up but to the west side.

*(cue life story)
After recieving the apartment, i was waiting for the Metro North at 125th and a bum lady approached me for money. What she did not realize was that she had approached me at the same time, in the exact same place, with the exact same story last week. And last week, I was so elated due to the new apartment find...I gave the bum lady $5 (I know, I know...very not me). The encounter went something like this:

Bum Lady: Sir, I hate to be a bother and mean no disrespect, but I am trying to collect money to get on a train to go up to a hospital, cause I'm pregnant....

Me: I don't have any money.

(she stops her story and begins to walk away)

Me: Didn't I give you five dollars last week?

(she looks back, and continues walking away)
(I raise my voice [a lil hoodish] so that all the platform hears me)

Me: I mean...did you go and come back? Or are you trying to collect for a plane ticket...

So....learning lesson, I may be gullable if I have just found the apartment of my dreams. But I'm no idiot. I refuse to get bamboozled twice, in a row. And I refuse to let you get away with it. And you guys should do the same. 

After party at my spot!

Life: 1, Shaun:1 (see the last score)


Anonymous said...

very nice, I was elated when i finally found a place and good job showing that bum who's boss.

socialedisturbed. said...

no seriously im lol'n!!! that's great! oh man
aye congratz on ur place.
rent sucks.
i hope u have mice that eat all of ur food and shit in ur shoeboxes.
i hope a cockroach lays eggs in your toothpaste.
& i hope that bum is the mother of all 8 of ur children.

shaun. said...

lol...wow, thanks for the warm wishes. And here I was thinking of inviting you over. perhaps youd like to partake in a meal with my mouse friends?

you have have there left overs.

socialedisturbed. said...

oh and as for the scan.. i think i suggested it in one of my 800 ignored emails!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

can you post picture of that woman? i think i gave her $5 too. twice?


shaun. said...

@ericka...you did no such thing.

@eeefuh...the sad part is all I need to do is go to 125th this Thursday, and she will be there.