
Career vs. Survival.

I found this post this morning. And oh boy does it ring true for my life right now. It's a little old (August), but I still hear the chiming bells? Choosing a carrer that rellies on what you create is never an easy path to follow. I try not to pat myself on the back, but I did it aswell as thousands of other kids. But alas....where I am now, is not the "dream" I had 6 years ago. And why is that? Is it my lack want, or gumption? Is it the fact that I consider myself too old to continue to put my financial well being on the back of debt collectors or non bill paying "dreams"? Since when did making grown up decision start impeeding on life goals? And why is it that it effect some people more than others? Eh, all these really deep questions and "feelings"on a Monday morning....it's just plan rude of me. Give the post a read and report back if you have anything to say.

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