

1. I have not done a lick of work since I got to my "job" 6 hours ago. Kudos to me.

2. It wont stop snowing in this damn state. I almost turned around and went back to bed when I opened my front door today.

3. I cant believe I trekked through the snow and have been at work for more than an hour and have not written about the season premier of LOST last night.

Pros: The writers stayed focused. They ended last season on the note that the Ocieanic survivors where hanging out after they got off the island. And low and behold...they kept it up. I wouldn't have been surprised if the opening scene of the show had the entire cast on a hot air balloon going to Never Never land. Jack is still angry. He wants to get off the motha fuckin island. What do you do when you have a gun in someones face and they are telling you that you're not gonna do it, but then you pull the trigger to an unloaded gun. Akward!!! No one is dead...but you did try to kill them. My Bad. John Locke is still crazy. Like...Tom cruise crazy.

Cons: The whole show is still as convoluted and confusing as the other seasons. There are more questions than answeres...always. Here's a thought......what's happening with the Smoke Monster from the first season? Where is Michael and his son? What about the crazy numbers in the Hatch? Arggghhhhhhhh?
Above all J.J. Abrams needs to stop the multi media attacks. Yes, it worked with Cloverfield. And we do see, that showing us half assed micro sites that semi answere questions, yet build interest in the topic at hand, is a good idea.....but lets not do that for LOST. Instead off taking us through the maze of commercial 1 leading us to a website that we have to visit frequently, how about you just finish up LOST on TV-where it began some 5 years ago. thanks.

Anyway...just wanted to drop a little knowledge. Here's to beginning of yet another season of LOST.

BTW....if you thought that the characters were still on the island...ive got some exclusive ish for ya.

Kate is not on that f*ckin island. And Charlie is NOT dead


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