
you know you're old when...

the things you know as a child reappear decades later as hip totally out of context fashion wear. It's like realizing that your favorite sitcom as a kid was just inducted into Nick at Nite's daily lineup (really Family Matters is not that old school). But I digress...this is about Disney.

hipster fashion guru the hundreds is teaming with Disney. Animalnewyork isn't into it (really against it, like how one would be against the Nazis), but I'm interested to see how it plays out. Here, we have Peter Pan's the Lost Boys all hip and funky. 
Yay or nay?


socialedisturbed. said...

NAY cot damnit.. NAY!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Hundreds enthusiast, even though I don't own any of their stuff. California Culture, homie.