
If at first you don't succeed.

Dust yourself off and try again...PC.

Apparently, PC did have a back up plan for the Jerry Sienfeld/ Bill Gates debacle. 

PC's goal in the new campaign:
"Where you connect to a global community of more than a billion people and nothing comes between you and a world of ideas and opportunities. With Windows on your mobile phone, PC, or the Web, walls begin to disappear—at home, at the office, and anywhere in between. You can balance work and life as well as fun and functionality. And with a wide range of software, services, and devices to choose from, your technology can be as unique as you are. That's Windows. Life without walls."

This....is a great strategy. If it hadn't already been done by Apple. 

Mac is the king of breaking down the barriers between their electronics. I think PC should just market themselves as the lamo computers that business people use. Anti-cool, structured as all hell and made specifically for suits.

Whap. Whap.


Eugen Suman said...

Really now, these are all cliches. I'm not a suit, and I've tried both Mac's and PC's and, sorry, but Mac's fall behind really bad. First of all, I like to play video games. Mac's aren't really good when it comes to that. Second of all, anything I can do on a Mac, I can also do on a PC and get more support. So, sorry, but no Macs for me.

shaun. said...

i truth i was writing completely in jest. but trying to gain ground in the exact same market that is taken over by apple doesnt seem like the smart thing to do.

and these print ads, do the idea no real justice. unless...this too is a starter campaign.