
No, Seriously...Alien Ads.

No seriously...one of the creepiest things I have seen in my life. As I look at the spot, I can't help but to sit here, waiting for the doll to go awol and start scooping kids up (after they were drugged by "the candy"--if you were a parent, why would you let your kid eat that?). And then the robot doll starts throwing them in it's mouth. Inside they would be trapped, bodies flailing, faces bruising as they stepped on each other. Screaming for their parents, they would be cold and the young ones would tremble. And when the monster doll has had enough specimens...it returns to its home planet. And the aliens then dissect them one by one. Think War of the Worlds.

But I mean...that's just me. 

Agency: JWT Sydney

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I kept thinking something bad was going to happen. LOL. Like the giant girl was gonna snatch up the little girl or aliens were gonna burst out of the bubbles. smh. WEIRD.