
thank god for wikipedia.

so I had no time to blog over the "long" weekend. I had to go back to Chicago to move the rest of my "belongings" back to NY. No worries, cause I tried to schedule posts throughout the weekend. Then I came back to realize that I would never, under normal circumstances post/care about those things...so I removed them as editor and chief of this blog. 

So that's that. How was your labor day? I slept mine away. But...even in my dreams I couldn't shake the fact that I had no idea who Mccain's VP running mate was. Though I'm no politics head, and this is no forum for such things...but I figured that I should do a little research and be in the know so that I can be on America's not naughty list. And then I typed Sarah Palin into wiki. And thus I was informed.  

- She is the governor of Alaska. And that's good to know...here I thought she came out of the back woods somewhere....(insert crickets here).

- From the womb...she has been a life long member of the NRA...(crickets, again).

- When asked in March about the position of VP she was quoted as saying, "But as for that VP talk all the time, I’ll tell you, I still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day? I’m used to being very productive and working real hard in an administration. We want to make sure that that VP slot would be a fruitful type of position, especially for Alaskans and for the things that we’re trying to accomplish up here for the rest of the U.S., before I can even start addressing that question."
And this is promising.

-On political beliefs....she does not think global warning is human caused, she is against the gays getting married, she is pro life (even if she has to pretend that her grandchild is her own)- i know that's fake, but what if it was real- awesomeness, and she's a catholic. 

-Her name fits nicely in the Mccain logo type set.

-Most importantly...she ran for Ms. Alaska in 1984. In the talent portion of the competition...she played the flute. Which obviously was her down fall, as she came in 2nd. 

That's all I need to know about her.

My opinion...this is a sad attempt for Mccain to try to make the American public think that he is hip and into the times. You know...colored folks and women. It's the future, man. 
Just my opinion.

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