
the name of the game is fame.

This will be brief. Halle, Halle, Halle. I was reading an article today, which was making fun of her for being preggers for so long when I came across the fact that she is not married to the baby daddy, but merely dating him. I just wanted to make a PDA regarding the lack of marriage that is going on today. Bravo and kudos. If you are gonna knock up a famous person...it is best to not have and binding paper work(ie Brit and Kev.). Forget about an engagment ring and that...uhhh, what do you call it?...promise stuff; just knock them up. BTW, I did not know that Kimora Lee Simmons and Blood Diamond star Djimon Hounsou were dating. I mean...does Russel know? If not, he will know when she poops out an african baby. It's gonna be like Kunta Kente (or Tobe, depending on who you are rooting for) meets Jet Li or The Roots meet Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Genius. Genius. Genius. And listen...if Russel doesn't know...I wouldn't take a million dollars to be that person to tells him. He is kind of intimidating...like in a Dad way. Actually, I am afraid of him. Wouldn't it be funny though, if Baby Phat started making customizable bedazzled spears. You know...to hunt wild boar in the hood looking "mad hot son". Eliot Spitzer for president. I dont know about everyone else, but I much more enjoyed the first stories that broke saying that this NY governor was "running" a sex ring. Instead he just participated. Whap whap! What happened to the good old days when politician use to be able to get away with anything they wanted. I think he was just trying to do his wife a service. He respects her so much... that he would rather import a whore from across country, than skeet all over her face. Admittedly so, it is hard being both a good husband and politician. Remember that time when the new Gnarls Barkley video was banned from MTV because it failed the "causes epilepsy test." I watched it...and almost immediately fell into an epileptick. Thank the gods I had some orange juice around. What? Wait....huh? I think you should try it...make sure you open this link in a new window and erase your browser history first...I cant have the FBI busting in my door every time someone dies of boredom and lameness. If anything, the video will leave you in need of an aspirin.

Ok, that is all I got for now. Go about your boring Tuesdays and dont you worry, I will be back.

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