I would ask you, the reader, to give you opinion...but I'm pretty sure I blog out of boredom and there are only like 6 people who look at this blog. Anyway, here is to a "new blogging outlook." I hope I dont bore you to death. I'm just learning how to care about people. lol. No, really.
So, on that Note, I guess its time for a Life Update:
Washing my hands of Sin. There are very few things going on in my life. So with that said, i try to add stuff just to make my life...ummmm acceptable, as a human being. And I had given up smoking. For 2 reasons......1. Being Jesus (a semi Lent promise). Though I am not Catholic, I've got Catholic school teachings running though my veins. Truthfully, I never really come through with these holy promises. I am doing the no meat on Friday thing...and on the second Friday of this Lent, I had two sausages, because I forgot. Haven't done it since though. And i was forgiven...sooooo. 2. Health. I always said that I would stop when I wanted to. And I did. Because I am running my first marathon on the 30th of March. Though I know black people don't run marathons, I've hooked up with some co-workers to do a weekend run (about 5 miles up and down the lake shore, ending in breakfast). And, I payed for the sh*t so I will be running a 8k (roughly 5 miles). So, the combination of ridding sin and my "getting really into athletic things" way of being, joined to make a lovely 3 weeks sans cigarettes. That is until, the past Monday night. When the stresses of life caused me to buy a pack. And if you are a smoker, you know that the purchase of a pack equates to the smoking of a pack. Like a moth to a flame or...a midget to the circus. So every night i wash my hands thoroughly awaiting the end of the pack. At that time, I will regain 2 things.....my sainthood and my ability to run 5 miles and finishing ahead of the handicaps in the Chicago Shamrock Shuffle.
This weekend should turn out to be a drunken debauchery. There are house guests from both Texas and Kansas coming into town. And as I learned yesterday...Kansas universities are dry campuses , which explains why my KU roomate (and his friends) are so genuinely insane when they drink. And the Texans. Well, everyone knows there is nothing better than meeting a new Texan. ::winks at Kellen:: Its also Irish day. And white people love Irish Day. Take no offense to the previous sentence, that was my ploy to have you click that link and read the following hysterical blog site. Do it. Do. It.
I miss NY again. I am missing it like a fat kid misses cake. And I would know, being a former fat kid myself. I miss it so bad that yesterday, while at "work" and listening to AOL radio (my new Internet explorer addiction) I listened to salsa for like 3 hours straight. That's how bad I was missing my Hispanics from the BX. I however was not missing you badly enough to turn on the atrocities of reggaeton. Nope. Not that much. But I should be home for Easter...so, I am happy. There will be no crazy meeting up with friends plans, because that didnt work last time, and there are already multiple days set aside for family(as iy turns out, you cant go home and not see you mom and dad, who knew?). Besides, I'm gonna be a God pa to the cuttest kid ever. Way cuter than yours. FACT. So...Easter weekend is his.
Ok, now I'm out.
Future Topics: Boxers or Briefs (an age old question that will either be solved or turn my blog into a gay porn site), Gay Porn...you make a sh*t load of money doing it...who knew?, Female Sex Tourism, an epidemic (even I have suffered from the result of this every growing tendency)....and much much more, next time on Maurey....I mean Prostituted Thoughts: Daily.
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