
feel better about yourself yet?

Aubry, Aubry, Aubry. How did Puffy let you leave your house looking like that?
Your a joke. At least I'm not a joke....to look at.

At least you weren't on national TV, trying to be a model, with paint all over your face, when all of America,,,and Tyra Banks...made fun of you for not shaving. Favorite Quote: Niegel, "You know, a razor cost $1." Ewwwwww.
I mean...do I really need to say anything. You are not infected with death.
Niether am I.
Atleast you dont have a baby. And if you do, atleast the Pug that you choose to bring in the family photo isn't in a ugly competition with your child. Im pretty sure they feed him (it) canned ugly.
Atleast you dont work for Mel Gibson. His employees tend to kill themselves.

Second time Im making this joke today...but how was this lady able to stand the sun light? The bottom of my shoe looks better than her. Must be sharing that jarred ugly with Tori Amos's kid.

I feel better.

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