
2 second rule.

Almost everywhere it is acceptable to drop your food on the floor, and it be good enough to eat, if and only if you pick it up before a certain period of time. Some people call it the 5 second rule- which means upon the accidental drop...you audibly (so others can hear) call "5 second rule" and pick it (food) up almost immediately....before the germs and really deadly shit get to it. And then you are safe to pop it in your mouth and enjoy.

The amount of time varies from location to location, in between genders and even in between cultures (alot has to do with your "grossness" factor).

Interestingly enough, a highschool in Arizona has also put a time limit on pda (public display of affection).

My response: Its about god damn time!

And yes, that is all this blog is about. I just happened to stumble upon the story and thought it was interesting. Not a fan of pda myself, I cant say that I feel bad for the kids- I can see why having a relationship in highschool is a distraction. I mean, I went to an all boys prep school and I was able to go 8 hours and then talk and be all highschool lovey dovey to my gf after. And look, I turned out ok. Mostly because I had nothing else to focus on but doing work in highschool and then getting into a good college. I'm just saying......

This rule might be so good, that I may apply it to my daily life. Hugs, kisses, high fives....maybe then, I will get my life back on track. If anything, it will allow me more seconds in the day to pick my food up off the floor and eat it. "30 second rule"

PS Can you imagine the prude student who got this rule implemented in the first place? Virgin for life pin...right on her/his blazer lapel in a public school.

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