
peta strikes again.

One may actually think that Jenna Jameson is not the perfect spokes model for Peta. But lets all really think about it for a sec. Jenna, would probably rather wear nothing (or pleather) rather than wear fur. Infact she would probably rather be naked than wear fur. And this is good for PETA.

Other things jenna would probably rather do:

1. take it in the rear from this guy

2. have a threesome with polar bears tripping on ecstasy

3. give oral pleasure to dictator putin

4. dress like a blue headed alien and make out with earth women (just some movie i saw)
5. play hopscotch with Al Quida, in a land of rainbows where the grass is made out of cotton candy and love

So yeah...overall Peta really did do a banger of a job here. I can only imagine who is next.

Jenna Quote : “If you’re not able to provoke thought, then what are we really here for?”

My Answer: To get paid for having sex on camera and promote a fur less, but pleather filled existence. Duh!

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