
Kanye is tied with Crocs.

I missed the deadline today at 5pm. I'm also more of a Daily Show fan...but still...help him out. Some one has to take Kanye down at the knees.

Recent Kanye Quotes (because if I dedicated an entire post to everything ridic that Kanye says, I'd have to rename this blog):

-"Who is Stephen Colbert?" (in response to the challenge).

-“Nobody really wants to recognize that Beyonce is a f*cking living legend in that she is just as great, if not greater, than the artists that we had in the past…that she’s probably greater than Tina Turner.” Bosisp

-“When I said the statement, ‘I want to be Elvis,’ I really should have thought that out more because that statement was actually really incorrect...actually, the true statement was ‘I want to be better than Elvis.’ “ - Bossip

-“What I want is for people to realize at this point is, I don’t give a f*uck. That’s why I made this album. I’m using auto-tune because I don’t give a f*ck. I like the way it sounds.”

Arrogance will get you caught up. And so will running your mouth. Karma is a bitch.

UPDATE: Colbert won. He is at the top of the itunes chart. 

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