
"...As I look at the intelligence with respect to Iraq, what they got wrong was that there weren't any stockpiles. What they found was that Saddam Hussein still had the capability to produce weapons of mass destruction. He had the technology, he had the people, he had the basic feed stock...This was a bad actor and the country's better off, the world's better off with Saddam gone, and I think we made the right decision in spite of the fact that the original NIE was off in some of its major judgments."

-Vice President Dick Cheney in his exit interview

Im sorry....did he just say that he would've still gone to war even if he knew that there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction? Cheney is talking like he got beat up for his lunch money by a Bully, and has just used thousands of American lives to get his revenge.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here...and say that all you people who reinstated these douchbags should feel just a little bit ashamed. 

more great quotes here.

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