
Jon-Kate Plus Eight (minus divorce settlement).

Yea, I know...I'm a bad person for watching the season premier on Monday night. I have been watching the show for some time now. So I have some vested interest. Aiden and Hannah are my favorites from the little Asian midget crew. I get how watching a divorce in progress is a bad thing. I understand why critics are all up in arms about the kids and how the break-up of a family shouldn't be documented for entertainment purposes and draw a bigger audience than the season final of LOST. The lack of morality involved with sitting down and witnessing this break up at the expense of these kids is staggering. Really...I get all of that.


Is that not the purpose of reality tv? This show is perhaps the realest of the reality tv mega-onslaught in the past decade. Its about more than a competition-it's life. .Jon and Kate claim that they started documenting in order to record the early years of their kids. And I can buy that. Now it's a circus and lets face it....it's the only way the family is bringing in money. They are stuck. And if you saw any of the shows and how Kate deboed Jon on a daily basis you knew that this day was coming. It's just an added bonus that we get to watch it. And that may sound wrong...but divorce happens every day. And more so that worrying about these 8 kids (who are probably set for life financially), this is Kate's doing and I personally am watching to see her get what she deserves. For those of you who did watch it, did you see how Jon had/has alot more to say when Kate isn't on the couch with him? Yea....he has tasted freedom. And I will be watching him while he gains complete freedom from Kate, tears and all. 

The Show Must Go On!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think the older shows should be shown on any network. If you are going to continue with the show then show what the presnt day stituation is, not something that doesn't realite to the stituation toay. If the rating drop that will be the reason, no one want to watch yesterday realally show.