
laugh again.

Arab Barbie.


socialedisturbed. said...

L!M!F!A!O!... im effin CRACKIN UP!!!
i wish i could link u.. sure wish u had contact info so u could show me how... ::crosses fingers, clicks heels 3xs, and wishes upon a star::

adadasd said...

In the left, a barbie degrading herself.

In the right, a barbie with self-respect.

In the west, a girl degrading herself.

In the east, a girl with self-respect.

Surely made me laugh too.

Anonymous said...

In the left, a barbie degrading herself.

In the right, a barbie with self-respect.

In the west, a girl degrading herself.

In the east, a girl with self-respect.

Surely made me laugh too.