
Covering Nov.

Cool cover.

Some one is too old to be doing this type of stuff. Im not saying who....

Lady Gaga and her metal welding tits!

How do you make a photo of a chubby baby look kinda creepy?
Add Kathrine Heigel.

It's about time she got her cover.
(on the winter issue)

I need Eminem to grow up. "Road from Hell"...come on dude, you are rich and famous now.
Go buy some stock.

This is allegedly a kid from the show Glee on the cover of a amgazine named Yellow.
Asain kid. YELLOW.

The line spacing on "Elle" bothers me.
You should not be able to put and entire face inbetween letters.
Rule of thumb.

Nice scarf Dwayne.

Wow. Chop your hair off and you are no longer a mugul.

The cover of Mike "The Situations" new book. LoL. Consistency is key.

1 comment:

La Nia said...

That Pharell cover looks like the new singer Miguel

How can you say that about Cher? lol she's a legend, 1 of the reasons is her infamous leotard on the MTV awards its her signature, Madonna and her man-killer legs still does

Oh and I agree about the ELLE cover, way too much space and I'm not even a professional ;)

Emma Watson looks like Hilary Swank circa that 90's movie where she was a boy or dressed like one w/e