
Clash of the Titans: Before and After.


Holy monkeys! I don't know about any of you but I loved this movie as a kid. The original was in 1981. When I first saw it, my imagination exploded. It created this deep seeded love of fantasy that made me and avid lover of the 90's show Hercules and Xena. In my short life span here on earth, I've done dozen of greek and roman mythology papers (which I loved). I sat through Brad Pitt's Troy, explaining and criticizing the story plot (=mythology geek). Infact, Greek and Roman Mythology was the only class I got an "A" in when I was in college. I actually ripped that class a new one- and I only took it to fulfill and English requirement

And with that...this preview looks kinda awesome. I need to see more.

And so begins my addiction this movie. Stay tuned. I apologize in advance. I really hope it pay homage to the Original. 

1 comment:

Osculating Asses said...

Well they've certainly gotten better at making trailers.

Let's hope they can craft a movie.