
Movie Time: Let's review Ninja Assassin.

I saw it. I loved it (for what it was...a bloody gore fest of blood). I love Ninjas. I love Ninjas vs everyone else. I could give you a real review, but instead I will discuss a few Ninja truths that I walked out of the theater with. 

Ready. Seta. Go:

1. All ninjas are not Asian. However, the good ones, are.
2. Ninja have an unlimited supply of ninja stars.
3. Ninja clans roll very, very, very deep...like unlimited.
4. You cannot do Ninja moves, when your fingers have been cut off. Fact.
5. Ninjas dressed in white cannot beat ninjas dressed in black. Studies show.

I warn you, do not doubt these Ninja truths. Or it may cause you your life.

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