
On Holiday.

That's British you know?

There is only one thing better than scoring tickets to a Micheal Jackson concert, and that is Ma Dukes coming to Chicago for the first time ever; in and of itself a cause for me to create a list of visit highlights. Think freeze frame, highlight pen and a bunch of circles and arrows.

1. Ma Dukes cooks a massive turkey day dinner. 15 lb turkey, ham, mash potatoes, delectable string beans, greens, candy yams, stuffing and sweet potato pies for dessert. She also stocks up the fridge with the not so necessary necessities (all the things i really want at the grocery store but can't justify buying, ex. Pirouette Cookies)
Circles: Ham, string beans, Whiskey Egg Nog
Arrows: My stomach slow lose of sexy shape, going up a belt notch, the metal ticker that is steadily going right on the weight scale....for the past 6 days

2. Ma Dukes De Boes old man from our tour seats. As the firsts ones on the bus for this long ass tour (10-3pm) of Chicago, we get stellar seats up in the front on the bus. First stop; the plant zoo, and on my way back I catch a glance of an old man sitting in our seat. Quiet helpless and feeble looking. Ma Dukes seeing him a minute later mutters "Oh, hell no" and before I am up in the bus (about 5 seconds) the oldman is slow limping his way to the back of the bus.
Circles: Front row Seats, 4 hours too long bus tour
Arrows: The split second blitz the decrepit old man was forced to perform as to avoid the true wrath of Ms. Williams. Smart play on his part.

3. Mom plays Wii tennis. Think...the passion and intensity if Rocky as he runs up the stairs to theme music meets, skill level and hand eye coordination of a infant cyclops with 20/80 vision. Still...a good time had by all. I also beat her in thumb wrestling. (This is what 23 yr old do with their parents...no?)
Circles: Wii, quiet possibly the funnest...or most fun of all the systems I have ever played
Arrows: My mom calling me "a cheater and a con artist", to my face after the first game. And me saying, "You are going down woman!"

All in all...perfect weekend. All of my roomates were out of town. Got to walk around naked and mark my territory. And now, it is back to the daily monotony of this boring life. I believe that if I were to create a show about my life, it would be called Hell Wrapped in Bubblewrap. And it would run for 2 seasons before being canceled. And it would be after Dancing with the Stars, but on TBS.

Quote of the Weekend:
"If one more person walks infront of me, I am going to trip them."- Mom...lol


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