
inspiration mondays.

on this monday.....

my stomach shrieks for food. And in the midst of my giving up on being anorexic, I succum. I eat. And eat. And eat. And now I feel as if I may puke. Holy steak burrito...how deliciously and awesomely filling you are. But I am juxtaposed. I think I would rather not have that tingly sensation in my left arm. Or maybe its the right one. Damn, I am a fatty.

i realize the only thing worse than scouring the city, looking for a new cd, is...well, nothing. At 11am I was made aware that the only Virgin Mega store in the Chicago Loop has closed. And when I tried to rectify the situation with my sheer brilliance to "go to a book store" for music (the world is indeed as doomed as Al Gore said). Was it there? Nope. So I book it uptown...cause you know, now that it's in my head it is merely steps away from being. But the steps, were in all actuality 1000. And the purchase was less than extraordinary. And those combinations...is why people down load illegally. Not that I do...but in the mere 4 hours that I had to deal with getting this cd...suddenly, waiting for my Limewire crew to get thier sh*t together seemed to be a logical state of affairs. And now I am $15 poorer, and it is not yet on my ipod. Damn you Alicia Keys. Damn you.

i regret the open bar I went to Sat. Apparently I was a hot mess. Head down on the table. No tabs on how I got home or when. I woke up with just my jeans on in my bed. My keys and phone where in my bath tub and my belt was in the living room. I mean...this in not a good look. There was a time, back in my hay day where I could drink whatever I wanted...and not almost die in a cab. I only had 6 beers. 4 rum and cokes. And 2 shots of Jameson. Tequila wasn't even involved. "Everyone who needs to get their lives together, raise there hands!" [Shaun raises his, as one single tear rolls down his face]. Lets just hope that I didn't do anything...I would, let's say....regret. And on another note...if someone...say dressed as a fox, was following me around spiking my drink, I will kindly ask you to stop. I have learned my lesson.

i've confirmed that the only thing that gets me through a regular work day --are peppermint candies. Who is the genius that created these wonderful balls of loveliness? Kudos to you good man. Diabetes never tasted so good.

That's all my little white persian monkies. There are movies to review. Parents to come to town. And naps to take.


PS Check the Anti George Bush song from PInk. Does this mean Pink is part of the new Dixie Chicks paradigme?

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