Moving Pictures: The new Batman movie with Heath Ledger as the joker has the potential to be bad ass. Check the Joker's make-up, Simply put, it's scary. If I didn't have nightmares about Bale's creepy child molester voice already, looking at this lovely images for 2 hours should insure the my children are sociopaths. BTW, I want cat woman to come back...that was a good one. American Gangster. Ok, so there were good parts of the movie. There was good music to really get you into the movie. But as star studded and as good as acting as there was, the movie was lacking "umph." Granted it is a told story that everyone knows, but the writers coulda conjured up a little more drama. The only thing I remember from the movie is the Ms Puerto Rico (hello to my highschool Bronx days) and the naked ladies who cut the coke and the fact that it was long as hell. Oh and there some mean afros. Main take away point...be glad you didn't live in Harlem 3 decades ago. Between the local jargon and the projects...I woulda done coke too. Alot of Coke. 30 Days of Night. Now you know I appreciate a good vampire movie's on any given night, but this one was really good. I definetly jumped, more due to the loudness than anything. My question is, why would you live anywhere that got dark for an entire month? You are just asking for some crazy stuff to happen to you. And you are giving it thirty days to occur. And it was cold as hell there. Hartnett, plays a somewhat believable cop....usually a role held by Mr Denezel Washington...troubled, divorced and in anguish.That is, until he and his ex wife have to battle a nomadic vampire cult that is a little rough around the edges. Through the movie there are lost limbs, crazy vampire children and multiple points that you just feel bad for the people in the situation. Overall lesson...if you cant beat them join them. And then put your hand through thier skull. You win.
The Tube: Did anyone see the preview to the next episodes of Real World this past Wednesday? It was that semi cool guy, not Cuhutta (who I am glad they cut his camera time, cause his voice drives me mad) sitting in a chair and he says, "Sometimes I see birds...and when I see black birds, that means someone has died." And then there is s special effect of a bird flying through the screen, they flash all the roomates individually and then cut to a shot of multiple black birds flying across the sky. I mean...what..huh...,LOST? Huh. I could not wrap my mind around what that preview could actually mean. Can't wait for the next Challenge. Lets go MTV. America's Smartest Model. Genius. I Love NY. Tailor Made was real shook when that big black guy was in his face. My man was shaking....and rightfully so. They called a guy Gay on national TV. Not cool. And why hasn't she brought Chance back yet? On another note, lets all do a little dance for the return of Project Runway. Hours of endless re watchable entertainment. Hours. Kid Nation...I'm starting to think that you are completely scripted, some of the vocab some of these kids use at 8 years old, I learned after college. That little Boston girl can sing though . "You betta Sang" [snap fingers in the air and do S roll with neck]. Ummmmm. House. I am going to need to you nail down your base cast. I mean, I AM all about picking up a hot girl here and there, but you are like halfway through your season and there are 55 different characters with 58 different story lines. Heros...eh, its alright. AND I am still trying to catch Nip Tuck.
I think that is it. For now...muahahahahaha.
1 comment:
i used to like house but know it makes my head hurt : /
i watch least fat fattie instead.
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