Thicker than water. Insert chuckle here. So Dog the Bounty Hunter, got caught, and by caught I mean told on for using the N-Word to describe a black woman. The catch is, he was descibing a young black woman his son was dating, and it was in fact, his son who leaked it to the press. Yikes! Effects, Dog's show has been canceled. This was his response on Larry King:
"I thought that I was cool enough in the black world to be able to use that word as a brother to a brother," he said. "I'm not. I didn't know really know until three or four days ago what that meant to black people."
So...you have to ask what type of dad you are to be completely ousted by your own son. I mean...it is no surprise that the N-word is still regularly and intentionally used with just as much angst and harm s as it was 5 decades ago...but damn homey, to have your son be the cause of you losing your job and your credibility as a human being (not that he had much to begin with), I'm sure it will never be the same at thanksgiving again.
"I thought that I was cool enough in the black world to be able to use that word as a brother to a brother," he said. "I'm not. I didn't know really know until three or four days ago what that meant to black people."
So...you have to ask what type of dad you are to be completely ousted by your own son. I mean...it is no surprise that the N-word is still regularly and intentionally used with just as much angst and harm s as it was 5 decades ago...but damn homey, to have your son be the cause of you losing your job and your credibility as a human being (not that he had much to begin with), I'm sure it will never be the same at thanksgiving again.
Dog's Son: "Pass the white trash mash potatoes"
Dog: "Go fuck yourself snitch"
Dog: "Go fuck yourself snitch"
Also, I am seeing a trend here in Hollywood. Unlike before....it seems that if you use a slur, but then apologize on national tv, you clear yourself. Just so the world knows, this is not really the case. If you use racial slurs on people...you are racist. And if you report your own father your the Snitch of a racist Father. FACT.

Mandy Moore gets cute. And by cute I mean she grew boobs. I dont know if you guys recall "Missing You Like Candy" but boobage wasn't really her strong suite. And in the movie when she was playing a dieing girl, she looked just like that, a dieing girl. And on Entourage, as Chase's crush...she simply wasn't cute. So, I gave up hope. That is....until now.
Great googly moogly. Still not List Material though.

Mandy Moore gets cute. And by cute I mean she grew boobs. I dont know if you guys recall "Missing You Like Candy" but boobage wasn't really her strong suite. And in the movie when she was playing a dieing girl, she looked just like that, a dieing girl. And on Entourage, as Chase's crush...she simply wasn't cute. So, I gave up hope. That is....until now.
Great googly moogly. Still not List Material though.
Snap into a Slim Jim. Wait, wrong wrestler...I was thinking Randy Savage, this is about Hulk Hogan, well his son anyway. Nick. Who got in a car accident and left some kid in a comma. Turns out Nick blew a .02 on the Breathalyzer....busted. The Hogan Family released this as part of a longer statement:
"The tragedy to both families is compounded by the fact that unfortunately John {kid in the comma} was not wearing his seatbelt. Thankfully, Nick was wearing his."
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiccccccce, blame the kid in the Coma with no blood alcohol level for not wearing a seat belt. Yeah, classy Hogan Family. Classy. The PR spin always works for drinking and driving, brotha. Especially when the victim is knocked unconscious in the hospital. Next time blame the kid for driving in the first place. It is a tragedy, compounded by the fact that John was actually driving on the same road as Nick. What was he thinking. And.... check that nice little stab at coma boy at the end of the statement, you shoulda buckled up...and maybe drank b4 hand and you'd be ok.
Green Zone. So, the NFL went green on Sunday. And by "went green" I mean...for the night, they turned of all the lights in their studio claiming that they could power a medium sized home for a month with the energy they saved. Matt Lauder was in antartica in an igloo for some reason. But I digress. Because, whilst they reported by candle light, we were looking at Lauder on the giant plasma which was probably sucking the energy right back out of that little house they were saving. But they did make a valiant effort {as captain planet and the planeters roll thier eyes simultaneusoly}. What's that I smell....oh, it just bullsh*t.
I would pay to see the geniuses that thought this up. "I know, I know....lets kick off this whole saving the world thing with a football game," And everyone highfives shouting thing like "Killer Idea" and "freakin Awesome" and someone cranks up "Sweet Caroline" and they all rock out.
I mean common lets think....the cameras, the sound system, the control room, and all other technical aspects are ON. And all you can do is fuel a medium size house for a month? What about telling all the NFL watchers in america to turn off thier tv's and listen to the game over the radio. Whap Whap.
And Finally, Ludacris makes a fool of himself in the new Christmas movie Fred Clause. I guess a paycheck is a pay check right.

"The tragedy to both families is compounded by the fact that unfortunately John {kid in the comma} was not wearing his seatbelt. Thankfully, Nick was wearing his."
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiccccccce, blame the kid in the Coma with no blood alcohol level for not wearing a seat belt. Yeah, classy Hogan Family. Classy. The PR spin always works for drinking and driving, brotha. Especially when the victim is knocked unconscious in the hospital. Next time blame the kid for driving in the first place. It is a tragedy, compounded by the fact that John was actually driving on the same road as Nick. What was he thinking. And.... check that nice little stab at coma boy at the end of the statement, you shoulda buckled up...and maybe drank b4 hand and you'd be ok.
Green Zone. So, the NFL went green on Sunday. And by "went green" I mean...for the night, they turned of all the lights in their studio claiming that they could power a medium sized home for a month with the energy they saved. Matt Lauder was in antartica in an igloo for some reason. But I digress. Because, whilst they reported by candle light, we were looking at Lauder on the giant plasma which was probably sucking the energy right back out of that little house they were saving. But they did make a valiant effort {as captain planet and the planeters roll thier eyes simultaneusoly}. What's that I smell....oh, it just bullsh*t.
I would pay to see the geniuses that thought this up. "I know, I know....lets kick off this whole saving the world thing with a football game," And everyone highfives shouting thing like "Killer Idea" and "freakin Awesome" and someone cranks up "Sweet Caroline" and they all rock out.
I mean common lets think....the cameras, the sound system, the control room, and all other technical aspects are ON. And all you can do is fuel a medium size house for a month? What about telling all the NFL watchers in america to turn off thier tv's and listen to the game over the radio. Whap Whap.
And Finally, Ludacris makes a fool of himself in the new Christmas movie Fred Clause. I guess a paycheck is a pay check right.

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