Movies:The Golden Compass. I have to see this movie on the 7th of December. The premise is a little wild, and I totally understand why no one would want to see it with me, but as one of the first BIG books I read as a kid, I feel like I owe it to myself [my obligation] as a not so avid reader. It is only like once a year I can go to a movie adaptation and say pompously, "This is nothing like the book." Though, I do not remember that much of the book, except that there are talking animals for each human in the world. There's a compass. And magic. All good reasons to get up in the morning, if you ask me. And who in thier right mind doesn't want to see 2 polar bears go at it...whether it be cgi or real life. Oh, and Nicole Kidman is in it(which may turn some off, but always seems to float my boat-as long as she doesnt have freak showeyebrows.) Hitman. Which is a story about a Hitman. And, I doesn't really get any deeper than that. So...I have to see it. Ands then, I will also see I Am Legend starring the oh so charming Will Smith (the only black mainstream actor who hasn't played the role of a troubled cop), but only b/c my roommate wants to see it, and I have this dream that one day, when he says he will see a movie in the theater, the gods will ensure that he keeps his word. Word. But truthfully, it just looks like 28 Days Later, but in America...NY to be exact. I done seen No Country for Old Men and it is good. Definitely one of those movies that ends and then you discuss it for an hour or two. Cohen movies usually go down like that. Negatively speaking, the ending was a little weak...and by week I mean, out of they just ran out of ideas and where like, "Let's just end it here." And the plot or subplot is about a sociopath killer had me thinking throughout the entire movie.."THEY ARE JUST GIVING CRAZY PEOPLE IDEAS, they need to stop." It's like 2 hours of brain storming for muders. Mom wa sin town, so I saw, This Christmas,which was cute. I showcases all the new upcoming black movie, c-list stars. Chris Brown was in it, playing the youngest in the family AND a singer. Tough role for him...being 18 yrs old and a singer. best part of the movie, was at the very end, during the credits, and the whole family is dancing down thier own soul train line...but as thier real actor selves. So, everyone does age appropriate moves, and the love of my life, Lauren London (the attainable crush) goes down the line and Chris Brown yells "PROJECT" as she does her liitle bott poppin dance. I was dying. The Tele: I Love NY is really spicing up. After a slow start, they have def purged the normals, and left the drama. Last weeks emergence of Chance, this week's NY definitions of what good means to her (great, outstanding,owosome, dreamy), and next week's meet the parents...I am more than excited. Still buggin that they called Pretty, gay for about 3 episodes straight on national TV, before kicking him out. Yikes! Nip Tuck, is finally warming up. And the ridiculousness begins. Kudos to the Mandingo swingers club reference in the past issue...I am joining that when I turn 30 (shhh, secret). Kid Nation is a tease. Nothing ever really happens on that show. And I think I found trans-show relatives. Taylor from Kid Nation and Chantel fro America's Next Top Model. I see you...sisters and all. ANTM (acronym alert)...only in America could we kick off the retarded model (hence killing all hopes foe every little girl who is just a little different) and get away with it. Bye bye Heather. Project Runway. They used guy models this week, for a suit for a Tiki barber outfit they had to make. And did u guys see me on it? Well, you would've, but when they called me last year...I was like, "I dont do commercial stuff like that" and then I told my agent she was an idiot. Ok, I think that's it. Ew, ew, ew, excpet did you hear about the Hogan family divorce, which Hulk Hogan learned about via the press? So, here's an fyi.....for those famous couples...take a hint...Jessica and Nick, Nivaro and Carmen, Kathy Griffin and her husband, Travis and whats her name. Reality TVin your home, is kinda a set-up for a divorce. I mean...Ozzy is the only one who made it through one of these things. But he is baked out of his brain.
Now...that's it.
Will Smith...troubled cop...MIB, MIB II, Bad Boyz, Bad Boyz II.
Will Smith...troubled cop...MIB, MIB II, Bad Boyz, Bad Boyz II.
ummm, he was not a troubled cop in any of those movies. he is a jokster.
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