Invest. In the search of the newest and most ridiculous invention from the country that has the time and energy to think up the silliest and most obscurest of things...some say we have hit our peak. The toaster over...because lord forbid we eat our toast fresh. "I must have it slightly toasted, the roof of my mouth is delicate." This quotation, is me btw. Sugar cubes...because the grains where way too much to handle (I think this is the Brits fault). Remotes, because....wait, remotes are genius. But anyway, check out the Cell Zone. When it is too noisy out and you can't hear your best friend tell you they are in H&M on the 4th floor, duh...duh,duuuuhhhh. Now there is a booth...ergonomic, I guess, to step into and make really really important business calls. Good Bless America.
Want to become a robot? (my child hood dream). Well, according to this lovely article, all you have to do is join the army. And then...maybe, in 50 years or so. You get to fight in one. It;s basically like an exoskeleton, that you step into. It lifts 100's of pounds...o' so simply. It's got crazy hooks for hands. And it is slightly "agile". My fav part is when the guy says..."You can even dance in it," and then they cut to the soldier doin his thing which gave me a flash back to all the MTV springbreak dance programs I watched in 6th grade, but with an added sense of impeding galactic doom.
PS This is still not as cool as if we could freeze people and have them wake up in a century and fight crime with Saundra Bullock.
The problem with PSAs. I know, I know...how could there really be a problem with PSAs. It is probably the single most positive form of advertising out there, and all the rest of it....the devils playground of unessecary consumption and mind control. Underage drinking is bad. Mothers Against drunk Driving...is good. NRDC...good (though Greenpeace is annoying as hell). But things like this, make me ponder the relevance and logistic of some PSAs out there.Or maybe its the fact that I just do not get cyber bullying. I would suggest its another too-much Oprah watching, not so go fad that they are turning into a revolutionary problem. A downward societal inferno....if not addresses and advertised about.
For example...there is always a drug of the season. Last year it was weed. Watch out! You could hit a kid after you satisfy you munchies. Then it was oxy cotton. Now its meth...which will take your parents away from you. And while no one is disputing the horror that are these drugs and their effects...they are shallow as all hell, media inspired and worst of all...lack luster. They're not even to the quality level of The Brain On Drugs ads, and that was done in the 80s. And I guess what set me off to talk about this, is the new trend of focus on cyber bullying. I mean, did she say her breath smelt like hot trash? I mean...online bullying. How do they get your lunch money. Where are the physical threats? And I guess it's all in the logistics, but how is bullying truly bullying, if there is no physical threat. What ads like these are portraying...is gossip. And there is no real call to action. Except, "don't ignore" and "don't laugh at it." Stupid. Let's all jump on the don't really understand but make ads about it band wagon. There are better messages to be said, and quiet frankly...better ways to say them.
On a completely different note.....this is genius. Damn you Japanese toys. You are giving our children the clap.
Go America!
And I will end on this. Mr. T plays World of Warcrafts. And apparently, so does William Shatner. So....either you both are really hurting for a pay check or you BOTH are complete losers.
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