I have decided again this year to share my holiday wants and needs with the Internet blogosphere. Why? Maybe its the internal need for approval. Or maybe its my overwhelming urge to keep you...the reader updated, with me, the blogger...in hopes of establishing some sort of bond or understanding or...connection.
But mostly, I'm just hoping that one of you gnarly individuals will surprise me. And by surprise, I mean prearrange gifts, with little to no room for purchase mistakes.

1. Sweaters. This new look...the shawl, is A ok with me. And though stores such Old Navy and the Gap have styles that are similar....please note the quality and fine detail of the sweater portrayed in the sweater provided. Think Banana Republic, if you, Santa...are going down this route. Also think neutral colors. White, Dark grey, Brown. And as always, Half zips, zipper cardigans , hooded, and mock turtle neck are also accepted. I dunno, for some reason I want something white and sweatery...or cream. This seems to be in right now.

2. In an attempt at ending this jean fetish I have, I would like to end it (for now) with the Black Rocco M11 Boot CutBlack Resin at Man press. Please note the word black. This will bring the collection to a full circle...at least until the summer time, when I will probably need light jeans. I will use these black jeans either to fight the dark forces of the underworld or to rock out with my c*ck out. I mean, in.
And as always...I am in need of slacks to further my professional career, or lack there of. 34 x34. B

3. These Deisels blow my mind. Diesel Paralex. I don't think I have truly wanted a sneaker this bad in like....3 years. I was just starting to give up and lead a life of a barefoot stay at home dad. Anything would be better than not having shoes I love.
Another option would have been, becoming a monk .
4. Money. Or gift cards. But don't be giving me gift cards to stores that you know the alloted amount you gave me, won't purchase anything. Like, $10 to Ralph Lauren. Or $20 to BR. I might have to slit your throat if this occurs...slit it with your own gift card. I kid. I kid. I will just never use it...because...you see, if I had enough money in the first place, I wouldn't need to ask for gifts. 10% of a possible gift just doesn't rock my socks as much as a whole complete gift from your heart. You can however, simply give me $10. LoL
And that's it. For now. I am not picky...as long as you adhere to the guidelines posted above. Thanks in advance. {wink}
ummmm i gave you $25 to br last year if memory serves... : /
you're not nice.
lol, I knew you would read that and say something.
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