I was made aware of the current "debate" regarding the release of the new movie The Golden Compass. Which is a fantasy movie about a young girl traveling through an absurd world of talking animals called Daemons (which represents one's true self), witches and drinking polar bears. And though, I usually do not pay attention to things such as this...this one has stirred in me a particular and unique interest.
Critics say the following about the author of the book and its under tones. And by critics, I mean Christians. Which is sorta interesting. Similar to the up roar about the Harry Potter Series, this series of 3 books (the Golden Compass being the first) written by Phillip Pullman supposedly has strong undertones of anti-religion. Like the main bad guy is called The Church and apparently in the last book of the series God is killed. And though I can speak freely about the first book which I read like 10 years ago, who knows what happened in the last. But lets say it does. Lets say Pullman did indeed write these books to shank Christianity in the gut. Let's say this movie premiere boosts the sale of the book right before christmas and thousands of unsuspecting children receives the How-To handbooks of atheism.
Who cares?
1. The Jesus crew needs to do a step back. Christians are up in arms about the release of this movie. Slander to their beliefs and propaganda meant to spoil the predetermined spirituality of the up coming generation. Yet, it is still just that...a book. Three books. a. If you don't like the idea of the movie, don't go see it. b. no little kid is going to pick-up on the anti-religious themes of the book. c. If you are an adult and you let this movie...a form of entertainment either change your views about your beliefs or shape them...then you are probably not the brightest crayon in the box. I mean, really...when was the last time you heard of an atheist terrorist group?
2. Hypocrites. Why is it that Christians are able to condemn people for not following their beliefs, but no one else can speak their minds. I have heard, with my own ears, several Christians...both close and afar, condemn those with different beliefs to Hell. Hell. Like, eternal damnation...just because they think differently. So lord forbid, a random man in a random part of the world discloses his/her different beliefs and spread it.
3. It's just a book. Pages of fantasy. Made up. Polar bears don't actually talk. There is not magical golden compass. People will see the movie and see it for just what it is. Entertainment. Where is the angst coming from? I mean it is not an organized army of fanatics marching across a continent killing all those in their path who don't convert. Oh wait.....
Overall, there's just a lack of the true understanding of where one's beliefs and being really come from. It certainly doesn't come from a book or a movie. It comes from the home. And if you have to shout and scream about a form of entertainment, and worry about its effects on your proclaimed people....then maybe there is a bigger problem. A problem that should be searched out within your own ranks.
And hey, I read the book when I was a kid....and look how I turned out.
(Big Smile).
Critics say the following about the author of the book and its under tones. And by critics, I mean Christians. Which is sorta interesting. Similar to the up roar about the Harry Potter Series, this series of 3 books (the Golden Compass being the first) written by Phillip Pullman supposedly has strong undertones of anti-religion. Like the main bad guy is called The Church and apparently in the last book of the series God is killed. And though I can speak freely about the first book which I read like 10 years ago, who knows what happened in the last. But lets say it does. Lets say Pullman did indeed write these books to shank Christianity in the gut. Let's say this movie premiere boosts the sale of the book right before christmas and thousands of unsuspecting children receives the How-To handbooks of atheism.
Who cares?
1. The Jesus crew needs to do a step back. Christians are up in arms about the release of this movie. Slander to their beliefs and propaganda meant to spoil the predetermined spirituality of the up coming generation. Yet, it is still just that...a book. Three books. a. If you don't like the idea of the movie, don't go see it. b. no little kid is going to pick-up on the anti-religious themes of the book. c. If you are an adult and you let this movie...a form of entertainment either change your views about your beliefs or shape them...then you are probably not the brightest crayon in the box. I mean, really...when was the last time you heard of an atheist terrorist group?
2. Hypocrites. Why is it that Christians are able to condemn people for not following their beliefs, but no one else can speak their minds. I have heard, with my own ears, several Christians...both close and afar, condemn those with different beliefs to Hell. Hell. Like, eternal damnation...just because they think differently. So lord forbid, a random man in a random part of the world discloses his/her different beliefs and spread it.
3. It's just a book. Pages of fantasy. Made up. Polar bears don't actually talk. There is not magical golden compass. People will see the movie and see it for just what it is. Entertainment. Where is the angst coming from? I mean it is not an organized army of fanatics marching across a continent killing all those in their path who don't convert. Oh wait.....
Overall, there's just a lack of the true understanding of where one's beliefs and being really come from. It certainly doesn't come from a book or a movie. It comes from the home. And if you have to shout and scream about a form of entertainment, and worry about its effects on your proclaimed people....then maybe there is a bigger problem. A problem that should be searched out within your own ranks.
And hey, I read the book when I was a kid....and look how I turned out.
(Big Smile).
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