We all know the Chip Munks from our past. Fond, fond memories I am sure we can all share around the camp fire. Qoutes of "Meeee, I want a Huuula Hooop" in a high pitched whiny voice and stories about our favorite episodes could perhaps be the cause of smiles and laughter. And the thing is...these little guys Alvin, Simon and Thoedore are inter generational. Like, your parents also grew up with them. Empowering to say the least.
But today I come to heed a warning. These little woodland creatures are not as innocent as they appear. After decades of portrayed complacent jovial antics...I have come to shed a little light of the reality of the small cute rodent propaganda that has been spread across our nation similar to the regime of fallacy that infiltrated by Hinduism...wait, I meant Arianism.
While you where being brain washed by scenes such as these . The reality of the situation is that these small creatures and thier compadres are out to ruin the world. Naturally inclined for evil, these little daemons are worse than terrorist. And I will not LET them destroy our world without a fight.
Going Green? Put it aside. Endorsing world peace? It can wait. Don't be fooled. The misrepresentation and impeding doom is looming, and only you can stop it.
Please view the following inspirational video. Go America.
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