
porn/fashion ads.

holy moly, thats porn. 
Ive been ignoring all the rant and rave about the American Apparel ads sweeping the ad blog world. A story- about a year ago I was telling a co-worker that I needed v-neck tshirts and she suggested American Apparel. I then quickly informed her that I did not want a trendy deep v-neck shirt because I was not gay (no offense, but there is no reason why my belly button should be showing via my neck line when I'm fully clothed). But secretly, I pulled up the site later at my cubicle. 

What I discovered while looking at the site, was a thick air of
  dirtiness.  There was an ere feeling that overcame me and made me feel like I shouldn't be scanning the site at work. Not like the gap, BR, old navy....where I just felt like I am not doing work, at work. American Apparel made me feel like I was watching a snuff film. There was nothing appealing about the models or the cloths. They were trying a little too hard for that "real" look. All the models looked like they were just dragged out of bed at 3pm after a coke party on the upper east side. And now they have an STD. Whoopsi!

So I vowed to never shop in the store. And I ignored its presence and overtly sexual ads. But this right here...is porn... amateur porn. She is literally licking penis.

Case closed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
