Which I made up...but if scholars did/do say that, then I inturn, would be a scholar. And as a scholar...the following artistic jig saw pieces construct the puzzle that is life, in general. Or my life anyway.
A common problem among society today. Everyone is so high strung all the time. They are pissed cause thier day was or they are not where they want to be. Dont take it out on me. Duuuuuude!
I could give a damn what you say, think, eat, drink or do. But, I will still judge you accordingly for the stupid sh*t that comes out your mouth. Y heard! Whap whap.

Definition: the quality of stating facts that you believe or want to be true, rather than stating facts that are known to be true.
And yes this is from The Cobert Report. If you are living in a dream world or made up reality....this IS you. Peaches and cream...is just a song, not reality.
And that's it. Pretty random. Just some art that clearly defines me and my relationship to the world. I saw it. I posted it. And now I...no we move on.
Oh, oh, oh wait...I got one more.....
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