Returning Champ. Arguably one of the best players in mens tennis to date. 12 titles under his belt. He is trying to go for his third in a row in the land of Kangas & Roos (Winny the Pooh reference). Swiss born......Roger Federer. girl. All i know is you, Venus...need to keep raising the bar. How short can you have your shorts on court? How heavy does your jewlery have to be to hinder your playing ability? I dunno...lets find out. In the finals shall we.

Wild child. Nadal. The only thing better than umbros (libre balls shorts) is a good old fashion pair of Capros. Capris for men. So, so sexy.

My personal fav. Agassi in the making (give him a few years). James Blake. Straight from the "hood" he is an ivy league non grad. Which if you ask me is the way to go. I shoulda went to Havard and then NOT graduated. I woulda been rich by now. Anyway...I digress. Blake, the man, the myth....the dude who inspired me to grow a fro (syyyyck, that was clearly my roommate).

Other mentionables....obviously the lovely Sharapova who will be playing the archaic Davenport (who just pooped out a baby a few months ago)... tomorrow night. Marat day you will be good again. Your motherland demands it. Llyeton Hewitt, the racist. Not every black person is an aborigine. There are a few others out there. A whole lot of Serbians. Tons of young Russian girls (the ones that do not become mail order brides). And a handful of asians. All in all, I am an old head. Cant keep up with everything. Damn Australians are going to make me stay up all night...shucking and jiveing with them.
Its gonna be a long 2 weeks of tennis. for both me, and you.
plz tell me you meant to say "popped" out a baby and not "pooped" out a baby. or else we are going to have to have a talk.
i meant pooped. Thats how it happens, no?
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