do you like that title? Its a foreshadowing tool you see. Well, read on..then you'll see.
Australian Open. So, it looks like its all over for America. James is out. The Williams sisters have been eliminated. And what are we left with? Federer and Nadal. I'm calling it now. Capros (capris for men) vs Superman. Nadal will put up a good fight...and he might even win, but he would definitely have a better chance on clay. This is like David vs Goliath, except David has a machine gun in his back pocket...and Goliath, well..he is Swiss. It shall be interesting. (Side note: I put a pic up of Serena, to make my friend Dan jealous. If only he had guns like that, take note Dan, take note.)
And if you are wondering. This is why i didnt mention Andy Roddick. Stay in school kids. Or atleast, dont be an arrogant prick.
I mean. Crazy is, as crazy does. And boy oh boy, is Tom Cruise crazy. Please read the following quote in its entirety.
"When you're a Scientologist, and you drive by an accident, you know you have to do something about it, because you know you're the only one who can really help. We are the authorities on getting people off drugs. We are the authorities on the mind.... We are the way to happiness. We can bring peace and unitecultures. Now is the time. Being a Scientologist. People are turning to you. If you are a Scientologist, you see things the way they are, in all their glory, in all their complexity... It's rough and tumble. It's wild and woolly. It's ablast. It really is. It is fun. Because damn it, there is nothing better than going out there and fighting the fight, and suddenly you see -- boom! -- things are better. I want to know that I've done everything I can do, every day... I do what I can. And I do it the way I do everything. "
The whole second half of the paragraph...he isnt saying anything. Do I really need to show you a video? No. But listen...I think the man has something here. The media is too afraid of him to mess with him. So, he is crazy...and getting away with it. If you ask me, Brit needs to hop on this bandwagon. If your going to be crazy...atleast be a feared crazy. Yep. BTW...scientoligist...Im just forwarding this on, please leave me be. Yall are cool in my book (I live In Omaha) An Kate..."Take you children and run while you can..RUUUUUUN, BITCH, RRRUUUNNNN!!!!!"
Jerry O'Connel did a pretty funny parody. Probably the only funny thing he has ever done. Besides dating Robecca Romain Stamos...opps, sans Stamos.
The Brits are coming. Victoria and David Beckham are taking over the world. As David, now that soccer..I mean football is out of the way, have caught grasp of a new cause. Poor and dieing children in developing countries is what he cares about now. And while bland newsies like this

I Love a Catfight. And the monstrosity that was Mondays Democratic Debate was indeed that. Hillary had her fangs and claws out(straight looking like she was about to pounce). Borrack had his shield and sling shot. Edwards...well, he was just hanging out. He wanted to get out the house..ya know. But stints like this were far too many. And Edwards just jump in with zingers trying to shank Obama in the side. And Obama...I'm glad he brought his shovel with him...cause he was digging himself out of hole after hole. But what I really want to know is...how does one become that person who asks the candidates the questions? I want that power. I need that power. Anyway, in the mean time....let's (you and I) decide exaclty what this commercial is trying to convey.
Does Budweiser work for John Edwards...or is it Hillary? Cause Obama is clearly the dark import (head tilt to the side, cynical face). Hillary, certainly is not light. But comeon Budweiser, if you are going to make Propaganda (DDB or BBDO, i dont remember right now, im probably way off) atleast make good propaganda.
Ok, I'm out.
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